Alcaudete, Jaen

Alcaudete, Jaen

Alcaudete is a charming municipality located in the province of Jaén, in the region of Andalusia, Spain. With a rich history and an impressive natural environment, Alcaudete is a tourist destination that you should not miss. This town has an impressive castle, Castillo de Alcaudete, which stands majestically on top of a hill and offers panoramic views of the town and its surroundings. Built in the 13th century, this castle has witnessed many historical events and is a fascinating place to explore. In addition to the castle, Alcaudete has other tourist attractions that are worth visiting. The Church of Santa María la Mayor, built in the Gothic-Renaissance style, is an architectural jewel that houses important works of art. You can also stroll through the picturesque streets of the old town, with its whitewashed houses and traditional courtyards. If you are a nature lover, you will love the beauty of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park, which is located near Alcaudete. This park is the largest in Spain and offers impressive landscapes, crystal clear rivers and rich biodiversity. It is perfect for hiking, bird watching and enjoying outdoor activities.

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Plaza de España, Sevilla

Plaza de España, Sevilla

Esta considerada como la obra cumbre del arquitecto D. Anibal Gonzalez y en ella se aprecian todas las facetas de la artesania sevillana ( desde la ceramica hasta el hierro forjado). Es de planta semiesferica limitada por una ria en cuyo borde se eleva una balaustrada de ceramica, que en su mayor parte fue sustituida por marmol, y sus orillas se comunican por medio de puentes con escalinatas
De la misma forma semieliptica de la plaza se alza un gran palacio dividido en tantas secciones como provincias tiene España, indicadas en la arqueria, a cuyos pies y en el zocalo exterior del edificio aparecen a modo de patios abiertos y bancos alicatados, los escudos, simbolos y cuadros historicos y anaqueles para libros de las provincias antes mencionadas y en los extremos de la plaza se alzan dos soberbias torres.
El edificio esta construido de ladrillos entallados, columnas de marmol blanco y variada ornamentacion de ceramica sevillana. En las distintas dependencias estan ubicados varios organismos oficiales como la Capitania General, el Gobierno Civil etc…( hoy ocupados por otros organismos).
En el centro de la plaza una fuente circular luminosa da realce al conjunto arquitectonico. La jardineria se reduce a un arriate perimetral actualmente con laureles, recortados, como elemento principal, seto de “EVONIMUS” y plantas de flor en el interiot En la ultima restauracion se han eliminado los laureles y han sido sustituidos por rosales.
Como atractivo tradicional, en la ria de la plaza)
Existe un servicio de barcas de remo y motoras que animan y divierten al publico con paseos por debajo de los puentes, convirtiendo a la ria en un sueño veneciano, (aunque sea por unos momentos) y muy popular es tambien un burro que pasea a los niños por la plaza desde tiempo inmemorial.
Es un lugar donde se han llevado a cabo desde su inauguracion grandes acontecimientos historicos de la vida de la ciudad por la amplitud de su superficie.
Dado su deterioro esta sometida a continuos trabajos de restauracion principalmente en los elementos de ceramica.

Río Guadiaro a su paso por la Estación de Cortes de la Frontera

Río Guadiaro a su paso por la Estación de Cortes de la Frontera

Fotografía del Río Guadiaro a su paso por la Estación de Cortes de la Frontera ( Serranía de Ronda, Málaga), tomada desde el puente de la carretera y frontera natural con el término municipal de Benalauría. Casa La Terraza.

Foto: Jose Manuel Bujalance Palma.

Enlaces de interés:

Medina Azahara, Córdoba

Medina Azahara, Córdoba

Medina Azahara: The Jewel of Córdoba

In the historic city of Córdoba, in southern Spain, lies a unique archaeological treasure: Medina Azahara. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018, this incredible site is an ancient palatine city that was built in the 10th century during the Caliphate of Abderramán III. In this article, I will take you on a fascinating journey through Medina Azahara, exploring its history, architecture, and cultural significance. In addition, I will provide you with royalty-free photographs and links to websites of tourist interest in the area.

History of Medina Azahara

Medina Azahara, whose full name in Arabic is Madinat al-Zahra, was built in the year 936 by order of Caliph Abderramán III, one of the most prominent rulers of the Caliphate of Córdoba. The city was conceived as a symbol of power and wealth, and served as the official residence of the Caliphate court. Medina Azahara was built on a hill, strategically located about 8 kilometers west of Córdoba. During its heyday, Medina Azahara was an opulent and luxurious city, with palaces, mosques, gardens, and other impressive buildings. However, the greatness of this city did not last long. After the death of Abderramán III, Medina Azahara suffered a decline and was finally abandoned in the 11th century due to war and political instability.

Architecture of Medina Azahara

The architecture of Medina Azahara is an impressive testimony of the Islamic art and engineering of the time. The palaces and buildings of the city were decorated with beautiful mosaics, marble columns, ornate stucco work, and wall paintings. The Medina Azahara gardens were also famous for their beauty, with fountains, ponds and exuberant vegetation. One of the most outstanding buildings in Medina Azahara is the Salón Rico, also known as the Salón de Abderramán III. This room was used for official ceremonies and receptions, and its design and decoration reflect the opulence and luxury of the time. Other notable buildings include the Aljama Mosque, the Hall of Ambassadors, and the Hall of the Caliphs.

Visiting Medina Azahara

Today, Medina Azahara is an important archaeological site and a tourist attraction in Córdoba. Visitors can explore the ruins of the ancient city, walk through its streets, and admire the Islamic architecture. An on-site visitor center offers detailed information on the history and cultural significance of Medina Azahara. For those interested in history and archeology, a guided tour is recommended to gain a deeper understanding of the site. Expert guides will explain the history and significance of each building and answer any questions you may have. Medina Azahara is a historical treasure that transports us to the time of the Caliphate of Córdoba. Its impressive architecture and cultural significance make it a must-see for history and archeology lovers. I hope this article and the photographs have given you a glimpse of the grandeur of Medina Azahara and have inspired you to visit this fascinating site on your next trip to Córdoba. Remember to check the links provided for more information and updated details about visiting Medina Azahara and other tourist sites in the area. Enjoy your trip to this wonderful corner of Spanish history!

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