Never have I boarded a plane and turned left, until now…

An Aer Lingus Airbus A320-200 plane flying in the sky.
(Image: Getty images)

The Metro’s interim lifestyle editor, Kristina Banelland, recently flew from London’s executive class to Chicago with Aer Lingus.

It was the first time I was traveling outside the economy, and the experience was at a world away from the flight to which it is accustomed.

From champagne taken off to pillows and metal spoons, this is its honest review.

Kristina, for you.

THE FUND: Before my trip to Windy City, as close as I have come to fly with style it was on a flight too reserved for Dubai, when my family and I saw each other to the premium economy.

Even then, 11 years, the rests and the extra legs hall were enough for me to know, deep in my bones, that they made me this life.

More than 20 years later, my time had finally arrived. I had never approached a plane and turned to the left, so far.

Within the executive class cabin of Aer Lingus
Aer lingus executive class rates begin from £ 1,179 back (image: Arnold Bell)

Establish the scene. How do you see? It is exactly as seen in the movies: huge seats, or rather, cabins, smiling cabin crew and as much food and drink as you want to consume.

How much space do you really get? Let me give you some statistics: Aer Lingus executive class seats have 22 inches wide, to put that in perspective, Ryanair’s economic seats are 15.5 inches.

All the seats of my flight also had access to the hall, so they do not climb other passengers to go to the bathroom. You do not feel exactly private, you cannot pretend that you are in your own flying apartment, but you definitely get a very appreciated personal space.

What about the service? I had barely kept my bag in the locker up when a friendly member of the cabin team asked me (by name, of course) if I would like a drink ‘before drinking’.

I enjoy everything about this premise. Basically, an alcoholic beverage is given (Virgin’s options are also available), which must go down before having to return the glass and tie to take off.

What were you? I, of course, ordered champagne, and snacks were also offered. When I could not decide between two different flavors of artisanal cookies, both were at my table.

More about food, please. You are given a menu to choose from, and it is much more than chicken or beef. The options in the current menu include a large fried amount in the pan in furrow toast paste, or the leather thyme and chicken with parsley.

The table was the latest in luxury (image: Kristina Boganland)

The courses are served one after another. There is no plastic tray, but there are plates and bowls, metal covered and the resistance piece: a tablecloth.

After dinner, I saw Mrs. Harris go to Paris and Pretty Woman, which felt suitable for my current situation. More champagne was followed by a doubt.

Anything else? Before accommodating myself, I investigated the small cabinets and holes of the cubes that surrounded my seat. There is usual, load ports, but also a practice dressing bag that includes a mask for eyes and caps for the ears.

They also give it a good thick recover, of the guy you would really have in your bed at home and a pillow, perfect for when you decide to completely recline your chair in a completely flat bed and sleep a little. At 5 feet 4 inches, I was able to stretch completely, and the beds are actually extended to 6 feet.

I wondered what the big closet was under my feet, just for a member of the cabin crew to practically throw me to avoid that my life jacket accidentally infidentally. Mystery resolved.

Ok, it sounds great. How much does it cost? Aer lingus executive class rates begin from £ 1,179 back. The standard economic seats start from £ 229, so the jump is, without a doubt, massive.

I arrived in Chicago ready to see (and eat) everything that the city had to offer (Photo: Kristina Gaijandia)

Final thoughts? The fact that there are fewer travelers in this part of the cabin means that everything feels a little less chaotic.

Do not listen to the noise of other people’s calls, or the sound of a herd of snoring men. There are no long lines for the Loos, or an army of children who run through the halls.

I loved everything about my executive class flight. Of course, they are not cheap, and if you are looking to waste, I would suggest perhaps to run out for a long distance trip, instead of my seven -hour Haul medium to Chicago.

But, if you feel like spoiling for a big birthday, or maybe on your honeymoon, I strongly recommend it.

Vuele from the United Kingdom to Chicago through Dublin with Aer Lingus and passes through the preparations of customs and immigration of the United States in Ireland.

Aer lingus offers up to 14 weekly flights to Chicago, with economic rates from £ 229 back and executive class from £ 1,179 back.

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