2025 Edition: Best Credit Cards for Insurance Premiums – The MileLion

Insurance premiums have been progressively excluded by more and more banks over the years. When I started writing this blog in 2015, I could win up to 4 MPD in premium payments. Today, you would be lucky to win a fraction of that amount.

The good news, if you dare to call it that, is that it is not impossible to win miles in insurance premiums. The scope is very limited, or must pay a rate.

What MCC encodes insurance?

Insurance transaction code under two MCC main:

  • 5960: Direct marketing insurance services
  • 6300: Insurance sales, subscription and premiums

In case you are not sure about the MCC, there are three ways to look for it before making a transaction:

The merchants assigned to MCC related to the insurance generally pay a processing rate below the average, and the banks are less inclined to offer rewards in such transactions.

What credit cards do they earn insurance rewards?

As mentioned at the beginning, the vast majority of banks now exclude insurance transactions from gain points. Here is a snapshot of each bank’s policy:

There are only a handful of scenarios where you can win miles when paying insurance premiums with your credit card.

AMEX cards

American Express cards generally exclude rewards for insurance payments, with an exception: buy an insurance from the Amyx X Chubb special portal.

The types of premiums you can buy are limited to Gadgets insurance, travel insurance, hospital cash insurance and surgical cash insurance, but you plan to get one of these policies anyway, you could win miles.

The gain rates are based on the accumulation of regular SGD, so a card holder Krisflyer Asce would win 1.2 MPD, for example.

There is currently an ongoing MGM promotion that gives up to 8,000 MR points, 4,000 miles Krisflyer or S $ 50 Ecapitavouchers to AMEX card holders who buy insurance policies, so it can also take into account their calculations.

Chocolate visa debit card

Apply here
No annual rate of rate or minimum income

Of February 11, 2025, the Chocolate visa debit card Win 2 maximum miles per s $ 1 in all expenses, including insurance premiums. This is limited to S $ 1,000 per month calendar, beyond which the profit rate is reduced to 0.4 miles max. For s $ 1.

You have the option to pay your insurance cousins ​​directly, where the OA visa is accepted through AX. Any of the options will be eligible for maximum miles.

Register to get a brother’s account and get to 250 miles Like a welcome bonus
250 Maximum Miles

To obtain the chocolate visa, you must download the chocolate finance application and open a chocolate finance account.

Once this is done, you can create a virtual chocolate visa card immediately. After that, you must combine the card with Heymax under the card menu of your cards> Add. A test transaction will be charged and then will be reimbursed.


GAN Insurance Rate
SGD Fiction
Maybank Visa Infinite

1.2 MPD
3.2 MPD
Minimum S $ 4K / C. Month
Limited to S $ 3,000 per c. month
Maybank Horizon
0.24 MPD 2.8 MPD
Minimum s $ 800 / c. month
1.2 MPD

While the T&C of Maybank’s Treaty Programs excludes insurance payments, an explicit exception is carved to the Maybank Visa Infinite and Maybank Horizon Visa signature.

2.2 (d) payments to insurance companies (it does not apply to Maybank Visa Infinite for payments of up to S $ 3,000 per month calendar and visa firm of Maybank Horizon)

However, the Maybank Visa Infinite has a minimum income requirement of S $ 150,000, and a considerable annual rate of S $ 654 (which is renounced in the first year, and in the subsequent years with a minimum expenditure of s $ 60,000) .

For the first S $ 3,000 of insurance premiums each month, the card holders will win 1.2 MPD (SGD) or 2 MPD (FCy). If the cumulative expenditure in all transactions exceeds S $ 4,000 per month, the FCy profit rate increases to 3.2 MPD.

Keep in mind that insurance spending does not count for airport limousines trips, even though it gains points.

Maybank Horizon’s visa firm is much more accessible with a minimum income of only S $ 30,000 per year. Insurance premium expenditure wins 0.24 MPD (SGD) or 1.2 MPD (FCy). If the cumulative expenditure in all transactions exceeds S $ 800 per month, the FCy gain rate increases to 2.8 MPD.

Standard rented prudential cards

Card GAN Insurance Rate
Prudential SC Platinum
0.29 MPD
SC Prudential Visa Sign
0.44 MPD

The little known Standard rented prudential platinum and Standard rented prudential visa signature He explicitly declares that the rewards points are granted to insurance premiums, even if they are not prudential.

The profit rate is 1x points per s $ 1 for prudential platinum card holders, and 1.5x points per s $ 1 for prudential visa signature card holders. This works at 0.29 and 0.44 MPD respectively.

Keep in mind that the prudential visa firm is only available for Ascend members by prudential.

Krisflyer Uob debit card

Card GAN Insurance Rate
Krisflyer Uob debit card
0.4 MPD
+ Miles from the Krisflyer Uob account

The Krisflyer Uob credit card does not win miles in insurance, but the Krisflyer Uob The debit card does so. Card holders can win at least 0.4 MPD on their cousins.

Why “at least”? Because shareholders can earn bonus miles for putting money on the Krisflyer Uob account and spending on their debit card. The current structure offers a 5 or 6 mpd bonus to any person who maintains an average monthly (MAB) balance of S $ 1,000 on the account.

S $ 1,000 50 miles S $ 10 S $ 8.33
S $ 10,000 500 miles S $ 100 S $ 83.33
S $ 20,000 1,000 miles S $ 200 S $ 166.67
S $ 50,000 2,500 miles S $ 500 S $ 416.67
S $ 100,000 5,000 miles S $ 1,000 S $ 833.33

The problem is that it gains a small interest of 0.05% PA, and bonus miles are limited to 5% of the MAB. For example, someone who put the minimum of s $ 1,000 on the account would be limited to winning alone 50 miles bonus per month.

So, unless you are willing to give up a significant amount of interest, it is probably better to forget the Krisflyer UOB account completely and simply take the profit rate as 0.4 MPD.

Review of the Krisflyer UOB account: do not resurrect

Invoices payment services

If you are willing to pay a rate in exchange for winning miles on insurance premiums, then the payment platforms such as Cardup, Citi Payall and SC Easybill are all the options.

Whether it is “worth” buying miles at this price, everything is reduced to how much you value a mile. The gold standard is, of course, to win free miles, although if the banks continue to take energetic measures, this may be the only option that remains.


It is possible that banks do not like to reward insurance purchases, but there are still ways in which we can “disguise” transactions.

The key is to find an insurance premium sold by a company whose main line of business is not insurance.

A good example is Klook. Klook usually sells tours and attraction tickets, but they also sell a travel insurance product known as Klook Protect. These policies are subscribed by companies such as AIG, Axa, FWD and Zurich, so it is basically a type of white label product.

Buy Klook protection codes in the same way as any other Klook transaction: travel agencies and tourist operators of MCC 4722. It would win 4 MPD with the World DBS Women (with selected trips as its quarterly bonus category).

Similarly, when you are reserving a Singapore Airlines or Scoot Air ticket, you are usually offered the opportunity to include travel insurance. If you opt, the transaction will encode the MCC of the airlines, which allows you to use the same cards mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Now, I cannot guarantee that these policies always offer the lowest possible rates and the best possible coverage. You will have to make your comparison buying for that. However, to the extent that rates are competitive, it is a simple solution to obtain their miles.


Win miles on insurance premiums becomes more difficult every year, but there are a handful of available roads.

The easiest would be the Platinum Debit Card to 2 MPD chocolate, although the Maybank Visa Infinite is also an option for the great winners.

Is there any other ways to win points on insurance premiums?

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