CLP Minister’s luxury private jet trip to high tea at Hilton revealed

With respect there is a lot to do here.

In an old Code of Employment Instruction Conduct of the Public Service of NT, issued on December 14, 2011 by the former Public Employment Commissioner of the NT, Mr. Graham Symons, which unfortunately has now been bothers , explanatory documents that establish –

“20. Acceptance of gifts and benefits
Judgment and responsibility
20.1. The acceptance of gifts or benefits by public sector officers is an area that requires good judgment. The benefits include cash offers, gifts, free trips, substantial hospitality, accommodation or entertainment. Accepting such gifts or benefits is a matter of judgment for the individual officer of the public sector in question that must be satisfied that their responsibilities will not be compromised in any way or will seem committed to acceptance. The public sector officer will have the personal responsibility of any decision to accept a gift or benefit.
20.2. By deciding whether to accept gifts or benefits, a public sector officer will be guided by the following principles:
a) A public sector officer should not request or accept any gift or benefit, whose receipt or expectation could somehow influence, or seem to influence, the public sector officer in its official capacity;
b) In the event that any substantial gift, offer or suggestion of said is carried out directly or indirectly to a public sector officer, the facts will be informed in the first opportunity to the Executive Director;
c) A public sector officer must avoid all situations in which you can create the appearance that any person or body, through the provision of hospitality or benefits of any kind, ensures or tries to ensure, influence or favor of the public sector officer; and
d) A public sector officer must take all reasonable measures to ensure that their spouse, children or dependents or staff members are not the benefits of benefits that could give the appearance of an indirect attempt to ensure the influence or favor of a Public Sector Officer.
20.4. An executive director can issue guidelines/policy of the agency regarding the acceptance of gifts and benefits by public sector officials, in accordance with the Code. These should consider the following:
a) the relationship of the agency with the donor;
b) the donor’s main business;
c) the probability of greater contact with the donor;
d) If the gift is being accepted as part of a formal exchange of gifts between official representatives of the northern territory and another government;
e) The possible adverse consequences to the interests of the northern territory that can result from the acceptance or rejection of a gift; and
f) The type of gift or benefit that in the context of the agency’s operations can be seen as inconsequential or trivial.
20.5. The agency’s guidelines/politics are not part of the code or legislation.

Make the northern territory become silly and a poor and poor jurisdiction is not the response to the government of best practices.

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