Flying from the Des Moines International Airport in February? Here are the cheapest flights.


If you plan to escape from Iowa in the cold month of February, we have it covered with flight options. Here is a list of 10 round trip flights for $ 320 or less this month.

The Hopper online travel agency found three Des Moines flights for $ 250 or less in January, three less than $ 275 and four for $ 310 or lower round trip.

Ticket prices have increased compared to January when there were 10 options available for $ 310 or less.

Here is a complete list of destinations in which you can get a cheap flight.

Where is the cheapest place to fly from Des Moines in February?

The cheapest flight of Des Moines in January is Chicago for $ 211 round trip. You can get to Houston and return for $ 229 or round trip to Knoxville, Tenneee for $ 270.

Go to Denver for $ 272 Roundtrip, or make a trip to Newark, New Jersey for $ 273.

Note that discount airlines such as Allegiant and Frontier often have the lowest rates, but also charge rates that can add significant costs for handbags, control bags, seat tasks or other comforts.

What destinations are less than $ 270 from DES MOINES in February?

  • Chicago: $ 211
  • Houston: $ 229
  • Knoxville, Tennessee: $ 270

What destinations are less than $ 290 of DES Moines in February?

  • Denver: $ 272
  • Newark, New Jersey: $ 273
  • Miami: $ 287

Where can you fly from Des Moines for $ 320 or less in February?

  • Phoenix: $ 293
  • New York City: $ 296
  • Philadelphia: $ 304
  • Las Vegas: $ 317

Victoria Reyna-Rodriguez is a general assignment reporter for registration. Communicate with her in or follow her on Twitter @Victoriereynar.

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