They would give off the red of the last poppies that spring. A time was approaching in which some fields would not produce and the poppies would disappear; for some fields would cease to be arable and expropriated to put an electrical network highway. These lands are sisters to those that they will be expropriated and with them the livelihood of families.#linea400kv #redelectrica #REE #geoparquedegranada #geoparquesespañoles #UNESCOGlobalGeoparks #visitspain #travel #amapolas #SierraArana
Sierra Arana is a mountain range located in the province of Granada, Spain, and belongs to the Betic Cordilleras, specifically the Subbético. The mountain range is WSW-ENE oriented and has peaks such as Peña de la Cruz (2,027 meters), Orduña (1,940 meters), Cerro de los Pelados (1,976 meters) and Bogarre (1,621 meters). The predominant vegetation is of the Mediterranean type, with the holm oak series as the predominant series, while the fauna includes game species of small and large game, as well as representative mammals such as the fox and the wild cat. The sierra is also a carbonate aquifer and has springs such as the Deifontes spring, which feeds the Cubillas river. Economic activities in Sierra Arana have been mainly extractive, livestock and agricultural, but currently there is great recreational use in the area, especially in the western sector (Iznalloz and Deifontes), with infrastructures related to recreational use and activities such as cycling. of Mountain.
Foto by Franky Arenas