The Highest summits of the Almería mountains

The Highest summits of the Almería mountains

In the Sierra Nevada part of Almeria, there are several peaks that exceed two thousand meters above sea level. Here we find the Chullo, the highest peak in Almería with 2,611 meters which, despite its altitude, is easy to climb since it is reached from the Port of La Ragua, at a height 600 meters lower. Also in our Sierra Nevada area we have the Cerro del Almirez, with 2,519 meters, which can be accessed from Laujar de Andarax or from Fiñana, the ascent being easier on its south face. On the same chord is El Buitre, with 2,465 meters, which is reached from Ohanes, and where we can find icefalls on its north face. From Ohanes you can also reach the summit of Peñón de La Polarda, at 2,180 meters, which can also be reached from the municipality of Abla; as well as the Galayo (Montenegro), from a lower altitude (1,711 meters). On these routes we will pass near the Sanctuary of Tices, a recommended sight (and visit). In the Sierra de Los Filabres we find the peak that, although it is not the highest in Almería, it is the best known. We are talking about Calar Alto, which with its 2,168 meters above sea level houses the Spanish-German astronomical observatory and has been the goal of the Cycling Tour of Spain on several occasions La Tetica de Bacares is the second reference peak, with its 2,088 meters above sea level, while the third in question, very close to it, the Alto de Velefique, remains at 1,860) Lower, but also among the benchmarks, is the Colativí, the highest height in Sierra Alhamilla with 1,387 meters , which is accessed from the Tabernas, Turrillas or Huebro Desert and on whose top there is a weather station. In the foothills of the Alpujarra in Almería we find several peaks that are around two thousand meters high, the most prominent of which is Morrón de La Lagunilla, with 2,249 meters, very close to other peaks of similar altitude, among which we have Morrón de Los Franceses. (2,236 meters); Nuevo Mundo, with its television repeaters (2,107), or, already below two thousand, Dos Hermanas (1,991). Finally, there is the northernmost part of the province, where the great reference point is Pico María, with its 2,045 meters above sea level.

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